For everything there is a story and all stories must start somewhere so let’s begin.
This blog will provide a forum for people to ask questions related to navigating the second half of life journey and for professionals to share their expertise in addressing the issues.
I will feature key topics related to navigating “Life After 50” referencing books, articles, online webinars and local resources. I hope that you continue to check in and share your thoughts, ideas, strategies and stories.
What has changed for the next generation of Baby Boomers coming of “senior” age? Just about everything. Life is faster, change is ongoing and an unpredictable constant.
The New Norm:
- Adults 50+ are living longer, remaining healthier and need or want to continue working beyond the previous retirement age.
- Life Long Learning continues to be a priority, as does taking a proactive role in planning for the future.
- Juggling multiple roles including caretaking of elderly parents (who are living much longer than anyone expected or planned for) and dependent children, careers, family and marital spheres makes life more complicated and challenging.
- Personal happiness is not prescribed or externally defined. People must seek to find it.
It is a time to reflect, reevaluate, revise and repack. It is a time to consider what you would like your legacy to be. Where you are right now and where do you see yourself in the future? Feel free to comment to share your personal experience.
Interesting facts. I feel that many over 50 are concerned about keeping their jobs and those who are seeking are concerned about being hired at their age. In either case those over 50 bring enormous wisdom and life long talents to the workplace diminishing their involvement is a loss.
Great point. Perhaps we, as a group of 50+, can begin to get creative and endorse new ways of networking and empowering this age group (myself included). The idea of pooling our mental resources to build support for this “new stage” of employment sounds like it may be coming of age.